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Freshwater pearls

Childrens, casual and glass



To view these brochures, you will need Adobe reader. Get it here.
These are high resolution files, to show the jewellery in fine detail.
Depending on the speed of your internet connection, they may take some time. Please be patient!

To view the entire EARTH range, download the catalogue in pdf format (18.5mb)
To view the entire WATER range,
download the catalogue in pdf format (18mb)
To view the entire CHILDREN’S CASUAL AND GLASS range, download the catalogue in pdf format (19mb)
To view the entire FIRE range, download the catalogue in pdf format (14.5mb)







To view the entire CLASSIC range, download the catalogue in pdf format (18.2mb)
To view the entire FRESHWATER PEARLS range, download the catalogue in pdf format (32.6mb)
To view the entire SKY range, download the catalogue in pdf format (22.4mb)


Site by Richard Keenan Design

To report any technical issues, email studio@richardkeenan.co.uk